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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Morgan State University Choir Visits SSFS

Morgan State University Choir Visits SSFS

Jayla Bush, Staff Writer May 3, 2020
It meant a lot to the SSFS community to get the opportunity to welcome and admire the performance of The Morgan State University.
Fetishizing of Light Skin People

Fetishizing of Light Skin People

Stephen Randall, Staff Writer February 18, 2020
Many don’t realize the impact of colorism or even the signs of colorism in today’s society. However, it is prevalent in our everyday life; we see it in our media, in our daily interactions, and lastly, in our widely expected norm of what beauty is.
Curse of Ham

Curse of Ham

Steven Aldridge, MLK Assembly Performer February 27, 2017
Growing up they told me I could be twice as smart as my counterparts, Wouldn’t change the fact that I’ll always have to work twice as hard
The Expectations and Realities of Being a Black Girl in America

The Expectations and Realities of Being a Black Girl in America

Ashley Brevard and Mecca McCain, MLK Assembly Performers February 27, 2017
So for all of you young black girls out there you need to look within and realize how beautiful you are with your pretty brown skin.
2017: Making Sense of it All

2017: Making Sense of it All

Quentin Thomas, Clerk February 27, 2017
Donald Trump has only been in office for a month or so. It feels like we’ve already been through a full term. It’ll be interesting to see how the landscape morphs and changes this year. What will our call to action be?


Begai Prom, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
You're not gonna stock up on cocoa butter...get some cornrows... buy Kanye's album... get you a fake booty, and a nice tan, lace up your Jordan's and step on my culture.
Central Park 5

Central Park 5

Justin LaRoc, MLK Assembly 2017 Performer February 27, 2017
In their eyes I’m just a nigga that was born to fail
Should Huck Finn be Banned in Schools?

Should Huck Finn be Banned in Schools?

Amelia Reuben, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
Written in 1885, Huckleberry Finn is a story about the friendship between a white boy, Huck and a slave, Jim, and how their mutual plight as runaways creates a bond that challenges and marginalizes “pre civil war” norms.
Colorism in Black Communities

Colorism in Black Communities

Begai Prom, Staff writer February 27, 2017
Did you really think I wouldn’t mention the infamous “You’re pretty for a black girl” comment? That is NOT a compliment. When people say that, they are implying that black women are ugly in general but the girl in question is an exception. Its implying that she would be prettier with lighter skin.
"Hidden Figures" and Diversity in STEM

“Hidden Figures” and Diversity in STEM

Jediael Peterson, Staff Writer February 27, 2017

The media portrays people in the STEM field as anti-social, poorly dressed, white males. I believe the way careers in the tech industry are portrayed by the media and the way society views smart women...

Black History Month

Black History Month

Aron Bishop, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
In my humble opinion, Black History Month falls very short by focusing solely on the contributions of black people here in the U.S.
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