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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Gillian Stingley

Gillian Stingley, Meeting Managing and Features Editor

Gillian Stingley is a senior who has been writing for the Wildezine for four years. She is a Managing and Features editor for the ’22-’23 school year. They are also an ambassador to the SSFS Office of Institutional Equity, Justice, and Belonging, the student leader of Math Club, and an assistant for the Learning Resource Center. They are interested in environmental and social justice, which she expresses through her work with the Wildezine, OIEJB, and the Learning Resource Center. Her hobbies include fiber arts and softball.

All content by Gillian Stingley
Varsity Softball Wins PVAC Banner in Second Season

Varsity Softball Wins PVAC Banner in Second Season

Gillian Stingley, Meeting Managing and Features Editor
May 30, 2023

If one word could describe the Sandy Spring softball team, it’s “new.” The first thing spectators will see as the SSFS team strolls onto the field is a snazzy head-to-toe combination of green,...

This Stinks: Interview With Laura Miyoshi Reveals Troubles with Trash at SSFS

This Stinks: Interview With Laura Miyoshi Reveals Troubles with Trash at SSFS

Gillian Stingley, Meeting Managing and Features Editor
April 6, 2023
To put it bluntly: we are not holding up our end of the deal as students and stewards of the campus.
Portrait of Marc Elrich (Montgomery County)

Incumbent Marc Elrich elected Montgomery County Executive once again- but it wasn’t an easy race.

Gillian Stingley, Meeting Managing and Features Editor
November 10, 2022
With 60% of Democrats not favoring Elrich in the primary, Montgomery County residents are now left wondering: are our county elections truly functioning with the voter in mind?
A shaved black sheep licking a shaved white sheep.

49th Annual Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
May 20, 2022
Although the festival is not held in, or around, Sandy Spring, the Sandy Spring community is at the heart of this festival.
Image from Silver Spring and Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan Winter 2022 Planning Board Draft. All credits to Montgomery County Planning Department.

What Does the “Missing Middle” Say About the Future of Montgomery County Housing?

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
May 19, 2022
Many residents of Historic Woodside are outspoken about their opposition to zoning plans

A timeline of the 2021 bird crisis

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
December 15, 2021
What really happened during this period, and why was taking down feeders a necessity at all?

We Aren’t Doing Enough About Teen Suicide

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
April 24, 2021
Schools are in a unique position to recognize and help students that are struggling, and their negligence is unacceptable.

An Analysis of Religion at SSFS

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
December 15, 2020
It's crucial for us to ask ourselves: is SSFS really meeting the expectations of this mission statement?
A Pandemic Puppy Joins the SSFS Staff

A Pandemic Puppy Joins the SSFS Staff

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
June 8, 2020
He loves being brushed, playing in grass, eating food, stealing shoes, chewing on paper products, his family and his friends.

Is Tiktok Actually Safe for LGBTQ+ Teens?

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer
June 8, 2020
While this video is extremely harmful, this level of homophobia is not typical of users on the app. Most users face less direct homophobia, such as sexualization of minors or extreme criticism of relationships.
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