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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Michel Ruiz Fuentes

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Editor

Hi everyone! I’m Michel Ruiz Fuentes, and I’m a senior. I’ve been a writer and editor for Wildezine for the past three years. I am excited to publish op-ed pieces, work with new writers, and continue my interest in journalism in college.

All content by Michel Ruiz Fuentes
The Importance of Representation in the Workspace

The Importance of Representation in the Workspace

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Editor
May 7, 2020

Last year, SSFS’ upper school student government association, Torch, wrote the 2019 Diversity Letter. The letter recognized the student body’s desire for diversity in the hiring process and essentially...

Standardized Testing as a Measure of Wealth

Standardized Testing as a Measure of Wealth

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Editor
March 2, 2020

Why is standardized testing considered in the college application process?  It's a method to measure college readiness. However, I believe that using standardized testing as a prevalent factor of the...

Everyday is Love Day

Everyday is Love Day

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Literary Magazine Coordinator
June 29, 2019

Everyday is Love Day is my thank you tribute to Ben. Ben typically always took a picture of himself at the basketball court. The next day I would always praise his dedication or bother him and tell him...

Using Facial Recognition Technology in Maryland

Using Facial Recognition Technology in Maryland

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Literary Magazine Coordinator
June 11, 2019

Shots fired. Five are killed. When officers in Maryland had trouble identifying the culprit behind this atrocity, the state considered interrogating using facial recognition technology. Facial recognition...

Authors are stealing and selling real struggle stories

Authors are stealing and selling real struggle stories

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Literary Magazine Coordinator
April 28, 2019

What does it mean when an author fabricates the story of their life? What does it mean when an author fabricates a story to fit a unique criteria of “diversity?” Does it make their work more appealing,...

Combatting the criminalization of substance use

Combatting the criminalization of substance use

Michel Ruiz Fuentes and
March 11, 2019

The drug addiction is a global problem that expands through many age ranges, and it affects more than just the adult community. Teens experiment for many reasons and develop reliance to these drugs. Because...

botanical lens

botanical lens

Michel Ruiz, Guess Artist
December 29, 2018

What ethnic group deserves a national commemorative month?

What ethnic group deserves a national commemorative month?

Michel Ruiz Fuentes and
November 26, 2018

Commemorative months are assigned to raise awareness and celebrate a group or cause. Below are a few well known examples: February: Black History Month March: Women’s History Month May: Asian...

How does Quakerism Manifest Itself in a Sandy Spring Education?

How does Quakerism Manifest Itself in a Sandy Spring Education?

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Staff Writer
May 21, 2018

Sandy Spring Friends School is a co-ed K-12 Quaker institution. In practice of Quaker values, our community has an abbreviation, SPICES that refers to the six values our school promotes, cultivates and...

Why Storytelling Builds Awareness

Why Storytelling Builds Awareness

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Staff Writer
March 7, 2018

From February 1st – 3rd, seven SSFS students went to Carolina Friends School in North Carolina to attend this year’s Quaker Youth Leadership Conference. QYLC welcomes students into a community where...

International Perspectives on Gender

International Perspectives on Gender

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Staff Writer
December 7, 2017

  Who gets to decide what makes a society successful or even humane? While we cannot jump to conclusions to judge the norms a culture holds, we often do. What I think is morally right can differ...

DACA and Undocumented Immigrants

DACA and Undocumented Immigrants

Michel Ruiz Fuentes, Staff Writer
October 23, 2017
Imagine this: life has been hard and it only gets harder. You do not have a place to call home, literally. Not only do you consistently not have a roof over your head, you also are fleeing from a larger overarching conflict. You cannot live in your country due to danger and threats.
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