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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Maya Gincherman

Maya Gincherman, Co-Editor in Chief

Hi, my name is Maya Gincherman and I’m currently a Senior. This year I am incredibly excited to serve as one of the Co-Editors-In-Chief to Wildezine! I love creative writing and took a program two summers ago at Brown University for it. This is my third year in Wildezine and my seventh year at Sandy Spring Friends School. Though journalism is a different style I greatly enjoy it as well and am excited to provide unique articles for this year’s edition of Wildezine!

All content by Maya Gincherman
Music and Mental Illness; How Mental Illness has shaped the music industry

Music and Mental Illness; How Mental Illness has shaped the music industry

Maya Gincherman, Co-Editor-In- Chief
April 26, 2021
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”-American Physician and Philosopher, Debasish Mridha
The Election of Kamala Harris; What it means for women in the United States

The Election of Kamala Harris; What it means for women in the United States

Maya Gincherman, Co-Editor-In- Chief
December 14, 2020
November 4, 2020. Millions of people across the United States awoke desperately checking their phones, searching for some indication of the results of a monumental election in deciding the direction of the nation for the next four years. In reality, it would take almost two more days to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President- and Vice President-Elect of the United States for the next four years.
Who am I?

Who am I?

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
June 8, 2020
Who am I, every breath that I breathe, every word that I speak, every song that I sing, every pair of eyes that I meet, what do they mean, what do they say, what do I mean,

Sports and Culture: the Impact of Athletics on Society

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
May 3, 2020
You watch your team, eyes glued to the television screen, counting down the seconds until the horror ends or the sweet celebration of victory begins. Throughout history, sports have served as a source of pride as well as a demonstration of dominance for nations. Through the sports industry’s economic benefits, political demonstrations, and most importantly emotional connections, sports have become a significant part of many nations' culture.

The Australian Bushfires; Called to Action

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
February 19, 2020
We have been called to action and we must act!
Dearest Baba Anya

Dearest Baba Anya

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
January 16, 2020

August 5, 1939. Dearest Baba Anya, Mikhail celebrated his fifth birthday today. The garden was the perfect setting for such an event. Mama made him Korolevsky cake, his favorite. The sickening sweetness...

Life on the Autism Spectrum

Life on the Autism Spectrum

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
November 19, 2019
“It is never too late to expand the mind of a person on the Autism spectrum.”- Dr. Temple Grandin

“Criminally Insane”

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
April 25, 2019

July 20, 2012. Aurora, Colorado. Innocent people are enjoying a screening of the movie Batman: the Dark Knight Rises when shots begin to ring out. When James Holmes was finished, 12 people lay dead and...

Yahoo! Sports

Two Sides to Hockey

Maya Gincherman, Staff Writer
February 4, 2019
 "This one will stick with him forever. You can guarantee that."
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