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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Begai Prom

Begai Prom, Editor-in-Chief

Hi, my name is Begai Prom. I am a senior at SSFS and have been a member of the Wildezine for 3 years. This year, I am the editor-in-chief of The Wildezine. I work with the faculty advisors, our senior advisor, and lovely editors to ensure the production of quality articles that reflect the voices of SSFS students. Hope you enjoy the site! If you’d like to reach out to me, please email me at

All content by Begai Prom

Don’t Get Burned in The Melting Pot

Begai Prom, Editor-In-Chief
February 4, 2019
Here are a few pointers I’ve picked up while living in the dorm that may guide you in conversations with people that think differently than you
A Look into Gender Norms In The Gambia

A Look into Gender Norms In The Gambia

Begai Prom, Editor-in-Chief
November 16, 2018
Over time, the idea that you can measure a woman's value by how quickly and correctly she can fold a pair of pants morphs into an internalized idea that women should not tread out of their household duties.

White Fatigue: The True Struggle

Begai Prom, Editor
May 21, 2018

!!!DISCLAIMER: This is a satirical piece We often hear terms such as white supremacy or white privilege but rarely do we hear the term white fatigue. White fatigue syndrome occurs when white people...

Race, Love, and Marriage

Race, Love, and Marriage

Begai Prom, Editor
March 8, 2018
When race is brought into any situation, it makes the situation more intense. However, when race is brought into love, it calls for the rise of the true meaning of tolerance and equality.
'Tis the season to be homesick

‘Tis the season to be homesick

Begai Prom, Editor of Social Media, Pop Culture, and Advertising
December 7, 2017
Upon discovering a recurring trend of homesickness throughout the years, I decided to interview my fellow peers to investigate how they are coping with the distance.


Begai Prom, Staff Writer
February 27, 2017
You're not gonna stock up on cocoa butter...get some cornrows... buy Kanye's album... get you a fake booty, and a nice tan, lace up your Jordan's and step on my culture.
Colorism in Black Communities

Colorism in Black Communities

Begai Prom, Staff writer
February 27, 2017
Did you really think I wouldn’t mention the infamous “You’re pretty for a black girl” comment? That is NOT a compliment. When people say that, they are implying that black women are ugly in general but the girl in question is an exception. Its implying that she would be prettier with lighter skin.
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