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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Qiang Lin

Qiang Lin, Staff Writer

Hey guys, I’m Qiang Lin, and I’m a senior at SSFS. I enjoy writing about pop culture, sports, and experiences. I joined Wildezine because I want my writing to bring joy to people…at the very least but I would like to impact people through my writing.

All content by Qiang Lin
Horror Movies: It's All About Perspective

Horror Movies: It’s All About Perspective

Qiang Lin, Staff Writer
November 12, 2018

Do you enjoy watching a horror movie from the lens of a camera? Love seeing the camera suddenly fall to the ground as you hear screams, without seeing the action? Is your answer no? If so, you’re not...

Tristan Thompson's Career Up In Flames

Tristan Thompson’s Career Up In Flames

Qiang Lin, Staff
May 21, 2018

Tristan Thompson will always be known as an NBA champion, however his legacy will now be tainted with his sex scandal. His image will change from key role playing center to a player who cheated on his...

Stop That! I'm Domestic

Stop That! I’m Domestic

Qiang Lin, Staff
March 11, 2018
I was never prepared to deal with the assumption of being from China.
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