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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Old vs. New M&Ms

M&M’s launched the new look of characters: woke or woke-washing?

Yvette (Yifei) Wu, Staff Writer March 11, 2022

The world is growing to become more and more inclusive to minorities and show an increased interest in social justice and equality surrounding issues such as race, gender, and sexual orientation; brands...

Skirts or pants: there should be options

Skirts or pants: there should be options

Yvette (Yifei) Wu, Staff Writer December 13, 2021

SkyUp Airline, a new private-owned airline in Ukraine, decided to change the uniforms of female flight attendants from conventional pencil skirts and heels to trousers and Nike sneakers in October of 2021....

Powerful Jewish Women Who Set the Precedent for Our Youth

Powerful Jewish Women Who Set the Precedent for Our Youth

Aviva Blumenthal, Staff Writer April 26, 2021
"As a girl who was raised Jewish, I was constantly surrounded by strong powerful women in my family, but never on tv or in books."
Is Being an Actress a Profession for Young People Only?

Is Being an Actress a Profession for Young People Only?

Yvette (Yifei) Wu, Staff Writer April 19, 2021

On January 29, the new movie "The Dig" was released in theaters and streaming media like Netflix. Based on John Preston's 2007 novel of the same name, the film tells a legendary story in British archaeology...

I'm Lesser you Say? Wait 'til You See What This Woman Can Do

I’m Lesser you Say? Wait ’til You See What This Woman Can Do

Maya Long, Editor In Chief May 21, 2020
“How will you manage your athlete’s weight as she becomes busier playing tennis?” shouted my camp counselor playing a reporter in a press conference simulation.  “Just rape her,” someone whispered.
What's so wrong with going topless?

What’s so wrong with going topless?

Lauren Gherman, Staff Writer April 29, 2019

On February 1, 2004, Justin Timberlake accidentally ripped off part of Janet Jackson's top, specifically the part that was covering her breasts. This moment in Super Bowl XXXXVIII history shocked millions...

A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal

Maya Long, Opinion Editor February 6, 2019
But, my friends, I have a solution to fix it once and for all. Women must, from now on, be as they were made to be: subordinate and submissive to the superior sex.
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images

More Women are Running for Office

Rebecca Megginson, Staff Writer November 14, 2018

In 2016, 212 women vied for a spot in the House of Representatives. In 2018, that figure more than doubled to 431 women. At a time when only 1 in 5 Congress members is a woman, we are in dire need of a...

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