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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

If ChatGPT is the future of our society should students be taught how to use it?

If ChatGPT is the future of our society should students be taught how to use it?

Lilly Kaufmann, Staff Writer May 25, 2023

Recently there has been a debate about if ChatGPT–an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022– should be permitted in schools. As with any new technological...

This Stinks: Interview With Laura Miyoshi Reveals Troubles with Trash at SSFS

This Stinks: Interview With Laura Miyoshi Reveals Troubles with Trash at SSFS

Gillian Stingley, Meeting Managing and Features Editor April 6, 2023
To put it bluntly: we are not holding up our end of the deal as students and stewards of the campus.
The evolution of Sandy Spring Friends School

The evolution of Sandy Spring Friends School

Richa Sharma and Lilli Serota May 24, 2022
As any institution would, Sandy Spring Friends School has evolved significantly since its founding in 1961. Changes involving the size of the community, traditions, the role of Quakerism, and more, have shaped the school into the influential establishment it is today.
Diversity in action; reflections from the 2021 Student Diversity Leadership Conference

Diversity in action; reflections from the 2021 Student Diversity Leadership Conference

Ella Gincherman, Staff Writer/ Junior Editor December 16, 2021

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect going into this year’s Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC). I have attended quite a few conferences over the course of the pandemic, all with a leadership...

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

School bus drivers amid the pandemic: Strains, shortages, and strikes

Sophia Strocko, Editor December 13, 2021
It is the general consensus among the American public that children belong at school. The benefits are seemingly endless: receiving an education, being safe and protected, and acquiring the skills necessary for success and prosperity in the future. Yet so often is it taken for granted that children are able to get to school at all; so ingrained is it in the routines of most American school children and their families that the bus will pick them up from their streetcorner in the morning, deposit them at school, and drop them home again in the afternoon. But what are the benefits for the bus drivers?
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Girl sitting in leather armchair with piles of books, smiling

Perfectionism: Why Being Perfect Isn’t All It’s Chalked Up To Be

Alessandra Gardner, Staff Writer April 22, 2021
Here is where an important question comes in: If students are getting good grades as a result from their perfectionistic tendencies, how are they supposed to know if there is a problem?
The Controversy of School Grades - Does our Global School Grading System Deserve an ‘A+’ or ‘F’?

The Controversy of School Grades – Does our Global School Grading System Deserve an ‘A+’ or ‘F’?

Ella Gincherman, Staff Writer April 19, 2021
Are students really the ones to blame for acquiring a bad grade, or is it more so the flawed system that we learn in?
A Pandemic Puppy Joins the SSFS Staff

A Pandemic Puppy Joins the SSFS Staff

Gillian Stingley, Staff Writer June 8, 2020
He loves being brushed, playing in grass, eating food, stealing shoes, chewing on paper products, his family and his friends.
2020 Senior Projects: A Look Inside the Pilot Program

2020 Senior Projects: A Look Inside the Pilot Program

Mecca McCain, Staff Writer May 7, 2020
Senior Projects were introduced to seniors as, “a selective, elective, independent, learner-centered and self-directed passion project that affords qualified and approved participants the opportunity to let their lives speak beyond the traditional high school environment by sampling a potential career, serving the community or exploring a deep personal interest that culminates in a formal and reflective presentation to a panel of faculty, staff, alumni and Trustees on the expectations, challenges, lessons and rewards of said experience.”
How Does School Affect Teenagers' Stress Levels?

How Does School Affect Teenagers’ Stress Levels?

Richa Sharma, Staff Writer April 27, 2020
Students may experience difficulties surrounding their sleeping patterns, eating habits, and relationships with their friends and families. Mary Alvord proceeds to explain that “elevated levels of stress hormones can degrade the immune system, cause heart problems, exacerbate respiratory and gastrointestinal issues, and bring on chronic anxiety and depression.”
Motivation of Sharing Grades

Motivation of Sharing Grades

Skyler Shuniu Li, Staff Writer February 18, 2020
I grew up studying in China and experienced a full rote learning education and a test-filled culture. I started studying in the United States two years ago and I am seeing different patterns in relation to grades sharing. What is the motivation of sharing grades? How do people feel about it afterwards? 

Dodgeball if You Dare

Ayomide, Omokanwaye April 25, 2019

Many people, especially the older audiences, remember the days of fun and intense games of dodgeball. Unfortunately those days are over. You ever wonder what happened to the game and why it’s no longer...

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