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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Society's Cage: How the Black Lives Matter Movement is Being Reflected in 2020 Art

Society’s Cage: How the Black Lives Matter Movement is Being Reflected in 2020 Art

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer December 14, 2020
There were no anecdotes of peace or relief, only horrific stories that made me question humanity...This installation was created in response to the deaths of both George Floyd and Breonna Taylor as a way to educate, reflect, and record different experiences.
My Grandmother Recounts Growing Up During Apartheid

My Grandmother Recounts Growing Up During Apartheid

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer May 2, 2020
If racism was more vocal in someone’s birthplace, then they have full authority to assess how they are treated after moving to the United States. I learned of these continuous racist encounters from my grandmother. 
Intergenerational Trauma in the Black Community

Intergenerational Trauma in the Black Community

Mecca McCain, Staff Writer February 12, 2020

Psychohistorians at Psychology Today define intergenerational, or transgenerational, trauma as the unconscious transmission of trauma from one generation to the next. Intergenerational trauma affects groups...

Standardized Tests: The Threat And Uselessness Of Asking About Identity

Standardized Tests: The Threat And Uselessness Of Asking About Identity

Irene Denniston, Staff Writer November 12, 2018
“The problem is that the pressure to disprove a stereotype changes what you are about in a situation. It gives you an additional task.”

To the People that Took my Race Away from me

Peter Byhouwer, Lit Mag Editor May 21, 2018
I am a biracial man, half South Korean half western European. The most noticeable feature about my ethnicity, One of the things that makes me feel unique and beautiful, My eyes,
Race, Love, and Marriage

Race, Love, and Marriage

Begai Prom, Editor March 8, 2018
When race is brought into any situation, it makes the situation more intense. However, when race is brought into love, it calls for the rise of the true meaning of tolerance and equality.
"Hidden Figures" and Diversity in STEM

“Hidden Figures” and Diversity in STEM

Jediael Peterson, Staff Writer February 27, 2017

The media portrays people in the STEM field as anti-social, poorly dressed, white males. I believe the way careers in the tech industry are portrayed by the media and the way society views smart women...

Sandy Spring Friends School Explores Diversity

Brittany Wright, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
All of these groups show the student body's interest in race relations, and Sandy Spring Friends School has provided a safe environment to expand students’ understanding of race and navigate issues of race.
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