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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

A Vectors Acrostic Poetry

Yili Bai, Staff Writer June 12, 2020
Vectors, a chapter in math. Would you like to see an acrostic poetry about VECTORS?


Donnie Harris, Guest Artist May 21, 2018

Just a little girl, no older than four-- An innocent little thing, the color of peanut butter with the cutest smile. She takes after her mother, you know? That gorgeous almond-brown hair and that natural...

To the People that Took my Race Away from me

Peter Byhouwer, Lit Mag Editor May 21, 2018
I am a biracial man, half South Korean half western European. The most noticeable feature about my ethnicity, One of the things that makes me feel unique and beautiful, My eyes,
Forgive Me

Forgive Me

Eli Casavant, Guest Writer May 22, 2017
Dangle my redemption From a night sky
The Air

The Air

Haoran Zhu, Guest Artist May 22, 2017
I want to feel the fresh air, Not the dirt in my hair.


Begai Prom, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
You're not gonna stock up on cocoa butter...get some cornrows... buy Kanye's album... get you a fake booty, and a nice tan, lace up your Jordan's and step on my culture.
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