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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Jordan Peele: Revolutionizing Hollywood’s Movie Industry

Jordan Peele: Revolutionizing Hollywood’s Movie Industry

Maya Long, Opinion Editor April 29, 2019
If you haven’t already seen Jordan Peele’s Get Out, you are sorely missing out on what I consider one of the greatest movies of the past 10 years. What I, and so many others, admire in this movie is the unapologetic commentary on white liberal racism in America.
Horror Movies: It's All About Perspective

Horror Movies: It’s All About Perspective

Qiang Lin, Staff Writer November 12, 2018

Do you enjoy watching a horror movie from the lens of a camera? Love seeing the camera suddenly fall to the ground as you hear screams, without seeing the action? Is your answer no? If so, you’re not...

The True Horror in Horror Movies: Lack of Creativity

The True Horror in Horror Movies: Lack of Creativity

Jeremy Mednik, Editor of Sports, SSFS Life, and STEM December 7, 2017
n the early 90s and 00s, horror movies used to be incredibly creative, capturing viewers’ attention through unique plot lines, suspense, and other approaches. However, in recent years, horror movie creativity seems to be dwindling and tactics to capture the viewer's attention seem lazier. To improve this, horror film producers and writers must develop better plot lines, avoid using clichéd horror techniques, and make the movie more unique.
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