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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Shirley Shuzhou Li

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff Writer

Hi, everyone! I am Shirley Shuzhou Li! I use she/her pronouns. I am a senior this year, and this is my third year on Wildezine. I love writing opinions and political articles. I joined Wildezine because it’s a great way to get my opinions out in the community.

All content by Shirley Shuzhou Li
How Do We Draw the Line Between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation?

How Do We Draw the Line Between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation?

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff writer
February 19, 2020

The terms “cultural appropriation” and “cultural appreciation” sound similar, and people often get confused about the meaning of these two terms. However, they express essential differences in...

What are the roots of the recent Hong Kong Protest?

What are the roots of the recent Hong Kong Protest?

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff Writer
November 15, 2019

Starting in early 2019, on March 29, there were multiple protests that took place in Hong Kong within a short period of time. It is beneficial for people to dig deeper into the root causes of this. With...

Breaking down the barriers  ——— My experience with deaf education

Breaking down the barriers ——— My experience with deaf education

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff writer
June 4, 2019

Last summer, I visited Wuhan No.2 deaf school which is a school for children between the age of  3 to 18, just like our school. The school is located in my hometown Wuhan, China, and I had always wanted...

Study abroad and you will be successful?

Study abroad and you will be successful?

Shirley Shuzhou Li, staff writer
April 24, 2019

“Do you want a brighter future? Do you want to earn more money? Studying abroad is your choice.” This is a common advertisement you would find in an English language school in China. I think people...

Daily Mail

What? There is a college shortcut in China!

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff Writer
February 3, 2019
“You need to have good grades, so you don’t need to take the art-oriented test to enter college. Those are for students with bad grades.”
Chinese Perceptions of Beauty

Chinese Perceptions of Beauty

Shirley Shuzhou Li, Staff Writer
December 6, 2018

“Put on some sunscreen, so you won’t get tan. Stay in your pale skin, my girl.” Perceptions of beauty in China are always unpredictable, frequently transforming every dynasty. The trends in China...

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