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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Revati Buchwald

Revati Buchwald, Staff writer

Hi, my name is Revati, and I’m super excited to be writing for Wildezine! I’m a senior, and this is my third year on Wildezine. I joined because I love journalism and creative writing. I also enjoy sharing my music and visual art in our literary magazine. I am very interested in social issues that our school and society face every day. I’m happy to be using my voice as a writer with the staff this year!

All content by Revati Buchwald
Upper School Coffeehouse- Arts that Inspire Community Connection

Upper School Coffeehouse- Arts that Inspire Community Connection

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
May 24, 2022
In a community often brought together through silence, being united by explosive music and art was magnificent!
Social Media as a Tool and Weapon in Recent Bangladesh Violence

Social Media as a Tool and Weapon in Recent Bangladesh Violence

Richa Sharma and Revati Buchwald
January 24, 2022
After urgently searching for her son, Mrs. Das found his beaten body scattered in a pond near their local temple. Twenty-one-year-old Pranta Chandra Das was staying at his Hare Krishna temple in the Noakhali district of Bangladesh when it was attacked by a raging mob. His life was one of many that had been taken in these religious clashes.
SSFS Creativity During Hybrid Learning

SSFS Creativity During Hybrid Learning

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
April 19, 2021
I have experienced that hybrid school can have an isolating effect, and I often wonder if my peers have similar feelings about this year. To get a better sense of how SSFS students feel, I asked various highschoolers about their thoughts on whether creativity and collaboration have been stunted or expanded during this hybrid learning period.
Society's Cage: How the Black Lives Matter Movement is Being Reflected in 2020 Art

Society’s Cage: How the Black Lives Matter Movement is Being Reflected in 2020 Art

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
December 14, 2020
There were no anecdotes of peace or relief, only horrific stories that made me question humanity...This installation was created in response to the deaths of both George Floyd and Breonna Taylor as a way to educate, reflect, and record different experiences.

Myself in Action- Culture

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
June 8, 2020

I remember prancing through the temple. The strength of the drums and the color of the music filled the room and every soul resonated with the vibrant chanting and dancing. I felt free then. Weaving between...

My Grandmother Recounts Growing Up During Apartheid

My Grandmother Recounts Growing Up During Apartheid

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
May 2, 2020
If racism was more vocal in someone’s birthplace, then they have full authority to assess how they are treated after moving to the United States. I learned of these continuous racist encounters from my grandmother. 
Stampede in the Light

Stampede in the Light

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
February 12, 2020
Perhaps the most significant “spice” that the wildebeest embodies is community. These animals always travel in packs. Their stampedes are fierce and can be deadly even for predators such as lions (cue Mufasa’s death scene).
Pop Artists Explore Religious and Feminist Issues Through Their Music

Pop Artists Explore Religious and Feminist Issues Through Their Music

Revati Buchwald, Staff Writer
November 19, 2019
In the music industry today, we are seeing more spiritual and religious references.
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