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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

All content by Maya Long
I'm Lesser you Say? Wait 'til You See What This Woman Can Do

I’m Lesser you Say? Wait ’til You See What This Woman Can Do

Maya Long, Editor In Chief
May 21, 2020
“How will you manage your athlete’s weight as she becomes busier playing tennis?” shouted my camp counselor playing a reporter in a press conference simulation.  “Just rape her,” someone whispered.
Having a Minimum Wage Job During COVID-19

Having a Minimum Wage Job During COVID-19

Maya Long, Editor In Chief
May 7, 2020
I am privileged enough to be supported by my parents financially. The money I make is put into a savings account and virtually, not touched, and will not be until college or beyond. Many of my former co-workers work each day to support their families as drivers.
Northwestern’s The Daily Journalists Under Fire: How Far is Too Far?

Northwestern’s The Daily Journalists Under Fire: How Far is Too Far?

Maya Long, Editor in Chief
February 10, 2020
I sometimes wonder if people, specifically the more privileged individuals in American society, forget just how worried minorities must be all the time. We walk out the door, we’re worried.
Monopolizing an Industry one Phone at a Time: Apple’s Branding Genius

Monopolizing an Industry one Phone at a Time: Apple’s Branding Genius

Maya Long, Editor in Chief
November 20, 2019
Now, according to Forbes, Apple is considered the most valuable company. Their recent phone release can attest to this and really emphasizes the ‘Impute’ ideal.
Jordan Peele: Revolutionizing Hollywood’s Movie Industry

Jordan Peele: Revolutionizing Hollywood’s Movie Industry

Maya Long, Opinion Editor
April 29, 2019
If you haven’t already seen Jordan Peele’s Get Out, you are sorely missing out on what I consider one of the greatest movies of the past 10 years. What I, and so many others, admire in this movie is the unapologetic commentary on white liberal racism in America.
A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal

Maya Long, Opinion Editor
February 6, 2019
But, my friends, I have a solution to fix it once and for all. Women must, from now on, be as they were made to be: subordinate and submissive to the superior sex.
Her Story is Fake. My Voice is Shrill. He’s a Supreme Court Justice.

Her Story is Fake. My Voice is Shrill. He’s a Supreme Court Justice.

Maya Long, Opinion Editor
November 12, 2018
Dr. Ford, I applaud you and your immense courage, endurance, and heart. You have changed this country, precipitated the turning point in our conversations about sexual assault so that it is no longer a taboo subject in the United States. Everyone else, we deserve to be angry.

Watch Out, the Soccer Feminists are Coming

Maya Long, Staff Writer
May 21, 2018
The United States Women’s National soccer team (USWNT) won the world cup in 2015 against Japan 5-2. It was the most watched game of soccer in US in history. The average American women’s soccer player is paid 40% less than the male counterparts.

Ivy Leagues: Why All the Hype?

Maya Long, Staff Writer
March 8, 2018
American culture portrays being accepted into Ivy League schools like being invited to Buckingham Palace.
Photo Credits: Jean Gearon

ISL to PVAC: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Maya Long, Staff Writer
December 7, 2017
As a player, the idea of the ISL is both intimidating and exciting and your perspective is often shaped by the team you’re on.
Image from VH1.

No Hindi, No Bindi

Maya Long, Staff Writer
October 23, 2017
From Katy Perry and Selena Gomez to Kylie Jenner and even Beyonce, lots of performers have been susceptible to cultural appropriation.
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