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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Jeremy Mednik

Jeremy Mednik, Editor of Student Life, Sports and STEM

Hello everyone! My name is Jeremy and this is my second year on the school newspaper. I am in charge of editing articles that fall under the following categories: student life, sports or STEM. I also am responsible for uploading the student-led podcast, “the Breaking News.” You may also see me featured in some of the podcasts talking about upcoming events for the school. Aside from being an editor, I also write articles that focus on student life. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me at

All content by Jeremy Mednik
A New Breed of Video Games

A New Breed of Video Games

Jeremy Mednik, Editor of STEM, Sports, and SSFS Life
May 21, 2018
While video games have long been popular, a new trend in the video game market is the idea of making the game free. While this seems like it might not be the best tactic to gain revenue for video game companies, it has proven to be highly successful and has left the consumer satisfied. In recent years, the idea of making the consumer pay for a certain ability in a video game to give them an advantage has become unpopular among consumers.
Effective Jornalism Doesn’t Exist

Effective Jornalism Doesn’t Exist

Jeremy Mednik, Editor, Staff Writer
March 8, 2018

The press, including electronic media, is central to the lives of US citizens. It provides readers with information that they may find useful to know in their everyday lives and keeps people up to date...

The True Horror in Horror Movies: Lack of Creativity

The True Horror in Horror Movies: Lack of Creativity

Jeremy Mednik, Editor of Sports, SSFS Life, and STEM
December 7, 2017
n the early 90s and 00s, horror movies used to be incredibly creative, capturing viewers’ attention through unique plot lines, suspense, and other approaches. However, in recent years, horror movie creativity seems to be dwindling and tactics to capture the viewer's attention seem lazier. To improve this, horror film producers and writers must develop better plot lines, avoid using clichéd horror techniques, and make the movie more unique.
Taking a Knee: Good or Bad?

Taking a Knee: Good or Bad?

Jeremy Mednik, Local News and Sports Editor
October 23, 2017
One political issue currently going on in the U.S. is the issue regarding an act of protest during the national anthem. Football players are taking a knee to protest race inequality, police brutality and concerns about Trump’s administration.
AP Exams: Finally Over

AP Exams: Finally Over

Jeremy Mednik, Staff Writer
May 22, 2017
Taking the exam was the real nightmare.
Furry Friends at SSFS

Furry Friends at SSFS

Jeremy Mednik, Staff Writer
April 3, 2017
Luckily, James is not the only dog enjoying high school classes. Some of the other dogs that make SSFS a superb community are Maggie Moffatt and Tallulah Kerr.
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