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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

COVID-19: Unhoused and Unprotected

Sophia Strocko, Co Editor-in-Chief April 26, 2021
When the COVID-19 pandemic spread to the United States in the early spring of 2020, a panic swept the nation even faster than the disease itself. In a frenzy, people bought out the cleaning supply sections of stores, stocked up on masks, and hunkered down in their homes to protect themselves and their families and wait out the virus. Yet, for the nation’s unhoused population, safely hiding away from the virus inside their homes was not an option.
Having a Minimum Wage Job During COVID-19

Having a Minimum Wage Job During COVID-19

Maya Long, Editor In Chief May 7, 2020
I am privileged enough to be supported by my parents financially. The money I make is put into a savings account and virtually, not touched, and will not be until college or beyond. Many of my former co-workers work each day to support their families as drivers.

Syrian Refugee Crisis and How to Help

Peter Byhouwer, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
"Among the world's richest nations, the USA has accepted far fewer refugees than many European nations."
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