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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

School bus drivers amid the pandemic: Strains, shortages, and strikes

Sophia Strocko, Editor December 13, 2021
It is the general consensus among the American public that children belong at school. The benefits are seemingly endless: receiving an education, being safe and protected, and acquiring the skills necessary for success and prosperity in the future. Yet so often is it taken for granted that children are able to get to school at all; so ingrained is it in the routines of most American school children and their families that the bus will pick them up from their streetcorner in the morning, deposit them at school, and drop them home again in the afternoon. But what are the benefits for the bus drivers?
How Did Soccer Have To Change Due To Covid?

How Did Soccer Have To Change Due To Covid?

Trevor White, Staff Writer May 23, 2021

The school’s soccer team this year is different from previous years. I myself was on the JV team for the past 3 years so I know how it went and the things we had to do previously. This year I wanted...

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

COVID-19: Unhoused and Unprotected

Sophia Strocko, Co Editor-in-Chief April 26, 2021
When the COVID-19 pandemic spread to the United States in the early spring of 2020, a panic swept the nation even faster than the disease itself. In a frenzy, people bought out the cleaning supply sections of stores, stocked up on masks, and hunkered down in their homes to protect themselves and their families and wait out the virus. Yet, for the nation’s unhoused population, safely hiding away from the virus inside their homes was not an option.
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