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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Stephen Randall

Stephen Randall, Staff Writer

Hi! My name’s Stephen Randall and this year I’m a Staff Writer for The Wildezine. I enjoy writing opinion articles about issues that relate to the modern teen or young adult! Some of my hobbies are soccer, coding, and running.

All content by Stephen Randall
Fetishizing of Light Skin People

Fetishizing of Light Skin People

Stephen Randall, Staff Writer
February 18, 2020
Many don’t realize the impact of colorism or even the signs of colorism in today’s society. However, it is prevalent in our everyday life; we see it in our media, in our daily interactions, and lastly, in our widely expected norm of what beauty is.
The SAT: Modern Institutionalized Oppression

The SAT: Modern Institutionalized Oppression

Stephen Randall, Staff Writer
November 19, 2019
   The SAT is a form of institutionalized oppression.The SAT has oppressive origins that have bled into contemporary society, making it harder for minority groups to succeed on the assessment and, subsequently, making it harder to attain a higher level of education.
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