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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

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Donnie Harris, Staff Writer

Hello, my name is Donnie Harris and I am a senior and have been at SSFS since 2015. This is my first year working on the Wildezine and I am excited to be on the team! In addition to writing, I love to toil away the hours in my sketchbook, so look out for some of my pieces in the Lit Mag!

All content by Donnie Harris
My Last Statement

My Last Statement

Donnie Harris, Staff Writer
June 1, 2019
A look at a senior's college essay and personal statement. *Photo credits to Charlie D-C.*
Here’s what backlash against Ilhan Omar says about American anti-semitism

Here’s what backlash against Ilhan Omar says about American anti-semitism

Donnie Harris, Staff Writer
April 29, 2019
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has become a subject of controversy over her criticism of the Israeli government. However, do her words warrant this scrutiny?


Donnie Harris, Guest Illustrator
December 29, 2018



Donnie Harris, Guest Illustrator
December 29, 2018



Donnie Harris, Guest Illustrator
December 29, 2018



Donnie Harris, Guest Illustrator
December 29, 2018



Donnie Harris, Guest Illustrator
December 29, 2018

Panama 2017: My Observations on Materialism

Panama 2017: My Observations on Materialism

Donnie Harris, Staff Writer
November 16, 2018
The summer of 2017, I took part in a learning-service trip to Panama with several other SSFS students. What I learned and observed in the small, humble town of Santa Fe gave me a great, much needed insight into what it means to truly live a 'Simple' life.


Donnie Harris, Guest Artist
May 21, 2018

Just a little girl, no older than four-- An innocent little thing, the color of peanut butter with the cutest smile. She takes after her mother, you know? That gorgeous almond-brown hair and that natural...

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