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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Alessandra Gardner

Alessandra Gardner, Staff Writer

Hi! :) My name is Alessandra Gardner and I am a sophmore at Sandy Spring Friends School. This is my eleventh year at SSFS, and my second year as a Staff Writer for the Wildezine. I have always loved to read and write, and am also a movie fanatic! I hope you enjoy reading our articles as much as I do writing them.

All content by Alessandra Gardner
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Girl sitting in leather armchair with piles of books, smiling

Perfectionism: Why Being Perfect Isn’t All It’s Chalked Up To Be

Alessandra Gardner, Staff Writer
April 22, 2021
Here is where an important question comes in: If students are getting good grades as a result from their perfectionistic tendencies, how are they supposed to know if there is a problem?
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