All content by Quentin Thomas
When students of color walk onto college campuses, their problems are larger than the guilt projected onto them for gaining acceptance.
Donald Trump has only been in office for a month or so. It feels like we’ve already been through a full term. It’ll be interesting to see how the landscape morphs and changes this year. What will our call to action be?
Gifts are a major part of the Christmas experience. Sometimes, they may even take precedence over intangibles. Have we been brainwashed into thinking gift giving and gift receiving are the foundations of Christmas? Who benefits from this?
When I first heard that our school’s theme for the year was civility, I was pretty surprised. My first thought was “What does that even mean?” What does civility mean?
Everyone has something to say. It’s one of the most important features we as humans have: the ability to think and respond to things. The most fascinating part is that you could ask 10 people their thoughts...
"What About White History Month?"
This question returns every year in the the weeks leading up to February like clockwork. And it has ever since the winter month of February was set aside as a time...
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