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The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

The student news site of Sandy Spring Friends School

The Wildezine

Lauren Gherman

Lauren Gherman , Staff Writer

Hi, my name is Lauren Gherman. I am currently a sophomore at SSFS and have been a member of the community for 5 years. This is my first year as a staff writer for The Wildezine and I am very excited for all the amazing people on the team this year. I am interested in writing opinion articles and political articles. I am also play volleyball, rockclimb, and play tennis!

All content by Lauren Gherman
What's so wrong with going topless?

What’s so wrong with going topless?

Lauren Gherman, Staff Writer
April 29, 2019

On February 1, 2004, Justin Timberlake accidentally ripped off part of Janet Jackson's top, specifically the part that was covering her breasts. This moment in Super Bowl XXXXVIII history shocked millions...

Our Note-Taking Hypocrisy

Our Note-Taking Hypocrisy

Lauren Gherman, Staff Writer
February 3, 2019

At the beginning of the month, during Meeting for Worship, the question was posed, “What else can we do to preserve our environment?” This topic is something that interested me, so after some thought,...

Do We Have Too Much Homework?

Do We Have Too Much Homework?

Lauren Gherman, Staff Writer
November 16, 2018
This is a look into whether students at Sandy Spring have too much homework and if it is affecting everyday life.
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