Are You Too Old To Trick or Treat

Halloween is an exciting time for little kids and young teenagers. Everyone loves to trick or treat! But, it seems that when kids move from middle school to high school, they start to wonder if they should still trick or treat. They are torn between really wanting the candy and worrying they are “too old.”

Kids stop trick or treating around the start of high school. It’s not because they don’t like candy anymore, but because society tells them that they are too old for trick or treating and they buy into it. According to Davy Adise, a senior at SSFS, “Kids stop because they think they are too cool. Society makes it look like being an adult is better.” Unfortunately, this fun activity doesn’t seem to be something for high schoolers. One teacher at Sandy Spring Friends School believes that it has become a societal norm not to go to door to door to get candy once you get to high school.

According to Hannah Kerr, an art teacher at SSFS, “adults do not give out candy to kids who are too old because they want to save it for the littler kids.” That is one of the reasons why kids stop trick or treating. Nobody wants to experience being refused candy. Hannah also feels older kids don’t put the same effort into their costumes. According to her, the candy should be a reward for dressing up.

Trick or treating was a part of everyone’s childhood. It’s a tradition that we all loved when we were kids. We planned our costumes and liked to get dressed up;it was all about getting as much candy as possible. Did you dump your candy out on the floor and sort it? Did you trade with your brothers and sisters? Did you count how many Snickers you had? Do you wish there was no age limit on this fun activity that we all loved, and still love?
I sure do.