The State of DC’s Homeless Population in the midst of COVID-19

The cancellation of school, summer camps, graduations, and everything else due to the widespread effects of the coronavirus, has affected all of our lives immensely. Amidst our disappointment, we must remember those whose situations during this pandemic are even more uncertain and dangerous. In DC, the homeless population has no way of quarantining themselves or maintaining safe coronavirus precautions. According to The Washington Post’s Justin Moyer, about 3.6 percent of DC’s homeless have tested with positive results. President of the Central Union Mission homeless shelter in Washington DC, Joseph Mettimano, is trying to change that. The Post says the shelter has placed temperature checkpoints at its doors, isolated those with COVID-19 symptoms, and issued a stay-at-home order for residents who have already been inside the facility.
Along with the efforts of people like Mettimano, director of DC’s Department of Public Works, Christopher Geldart, has been doing his part to slow the spread of the virus and protect citizens that struggle with finding safe places to stay. According to an interview with Geldart conducted by Justin Moyer of The Washington Post, “The city has quarantined hundreds of homeless people at five hotels: three in Northeast, one in Northwest and one in Southwest.” Since it is nearly impossible to social distance in most homeless shelters, this system will hopefully prevent rapid spread of the virus throughout the homeless population.
The DC Department of Human Services issued a statement to WUSA9’s Mia Salenetri stating that, “17 handwashing stations throughout the city and 4 portable toilets with hand sanitizer,” have been implemented, as well as better cleaning procedures and screening for homeless shelters. Between the efforts of the DC Department of Human Services, Department of Public Works, and shelters like Central Union Mission, hundreds of DC’s homeless population have been given the resources to stay safe; but it isn’t enough. Amidst the turmoil in our country, it is important to remember those who are struggling more than us and donate. Donations to Miriam’s Kitchen, located in downtown DC, provide the homeless with meals, clean bathrooms, and emergency supplies like masks and gloves. Central Union Mission’s donations go to meals, safe shelter, and recovery services for DC’s homeless. It is always important to help those less fortunate than us, especially in the state of our country due to the coronavirus.

Hi! My name is Lilli Serota and I am a senior at Sandy Spring Friends School. I have been a staff writer for the Wildezine for three years and written...