Seth Gorton, Guest Writer

 The air was distorted above the cooking octopus leg in the cauldron. The still moving tentacle swished around in the water, the writhing leg splashed the boiling water around until it ceased to move. The giant green gargling goblins crawled their way over to the now cooking caldron. Their legs moved in a way that they cracked with every movement as they approached the seething pot. The goblins were hungry, and they knew what they wanted to eat.

The sweet meat of an octopus was the ultimate savory food to the giant green gargling goblin. The meat of the octopus is poisonous to other goblins, but the gargling that the giant green gargling goblin does eliminates most of the poison from their poison sacks. However four out of eleven times, some of the octopus’ poison remains and kills the goblin. The meat is so sweet, in fact, that all goblins take the risk anyways. The meat of the octopus is what they live for, and what they die for. That’s what the giant green gargling goblins call “some risky bizz, bro.”

The giant green gargling goblins approached the cauldron, licking their lips with anticipation for the delicious slimy meat. Just as they were about to feast on the brilliant meats, all of the giant green gargling goblins fainted. Their unconscious bodies hit the floor like rocks hitting other rocks. From around the corner of the kitchen, pouncing from their hiding place, emerge two 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi.

It was the moment of their revenge, the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi had been waiting in that exact spot for years, waiting, watching, as their octopus brethren had been chopped and cooked alive for their meat. Finally, all their intense preparations to assassinate the giant green gargling goblins had paid off.

The rivalry between the two species had begun more than 38482 years ago during the Great Hunt. In the Great Hunt, the giant green gargling goblins and 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi began to hunt each other as food. Some researchers hypothesize that the Great Hunt never ended, and that it still exists to this day.

The 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi mutilated the remaining giant green gargling goblins’ bodies and headed to the vault. The vault was the room in which the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi kept their giant green gargling goblins imprisoned. The vault was of course locked, but you know how the old saying goes, “9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi are the best at opening locked doors.” And so as it is, the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi opened the vault in no time at all.

The 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi wiggled their ways out of the vault, their bodies had been piled high in the vast room. As the newly freed 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi escaped, they took their first breaths of fresh air in 38482 years. Wriggling at full speed, the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi were almost at the exit of the giant green gargling goblin’s dungeon. As the light of day grew brighter and brighter, the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi began to celebrate. Suddenly, the entrance to the dungeon collapsed on top of the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi. All of the 9-tentacle regular-sized mammoth-like land octopi died in this horrible catastrophe caused by the horrible architecture that the giant green gargling goblins were known for.