“Hidden Figures” and Diversity in STEM

The media portrays people in the STEM field as anti-social, poorly dressed, white males. I believe the way careers in the tech industry are portrayed by the media and the way society views smart women are two primary reasons that so few girls are pursuing a career in STEM-related fields.
For black history month, Sandy Spring’s affinity groups were joined by a couple of black middle schoolers to go see the movie Hidden Figures, a film that showed three black women as important historical figures because of their intelligence and STEM-related contributions.
The film was fulfilling on a deep level. Being a black woman and seeing these black women being front and center in a historical movie was incredibly powerful. The movie depicts the true story of three African-American women, mathematician Katherine Johnson and her two colleagues Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson. The perceived notion of women’s abilities in STEM-related fields is quickly debunked as they put the first American man in space.
As a passionate moviegoer, I have seen many movies with strong female lead. Though they’re great, there’s just something about seeing someone of your gender and skin color break the stereotypes surrounding them to do completely amazing things and become part of history. It was honestly an inspiring film, especially for our group which comprised mainly of middle and high school black girls from a predominantly white school.
I believe that we are shaped by what we see and Hidden Figures is an inspiring film that will hopefully lead black girls to pursue STEM-related jobs. It cannot stand alone. It is important that more projects like this be created; film and representation can be powerful tools to inspire young black girls to pursue this field of study.

Hello. My name is Jediael Peterson and I'm a senior at Sandy Spring Friends school. I'm the videographer for the Wildezine which means I record videos...
Sarah • Mar 2, 2017 at 10:04 am
I watch a lot of star trek, and the cast has always been predominantly made up of white males. Just seeing a female on board a starship would make my day; characters like Uhura and Yar. But seeing the trailer for this movie was definitely an Uhura moment with an even better message/ better casting parts. I felt very inspired by this movie and I am very happy that these directors (i say this generally) got off their buts and finally made something like this. I am also excited that women of color get an inspirational leg up and acknowledgement about the fact that they have always been here, helping men get to the moon and changing the world, and deserve to be acknowledged, remembered and cheered on just as this movie does for Katherine, Dorothy, and Mary.
Eliel • Feb 28, 2017 at 11:30 am
Great article jediael and it was a really great movie
Taylor • Feb 28, 2017 at 8:50 am
This movie was very aspiring as a young black women who has a interest in the field of science. Because it shows that you can do anything you put your mind to and on top of that having these three black women be the main characters shows the brilliance that goes on behind the scenes along with the struggle and segregation they went through not only at work but in life in general. This movie was brilliant and I feel the article really captivates the meaning of the movie and shows how their overlooked accomplishments really showed through in the end.
Eric • Feb 28, 2017 at 8:49 am
Movie is one of most useful and influential tools inspiring and affecting people’s perspective. I watched the movie and felt motivated as someone who also pursues this field. I am truly excited to see the success of others. What the movie talks about really reveals American values that we all should follow the path of our dreams, neglecting other’s opinions.
Haiqing Yang • Feb 28, 2017 at 8:48 am
Someone’s capability should not be judged by their gender and color. I know many black students who are smart and thoughtful. Jediael is one of them who always help me with my Middle East Study. I really appreciate that.
Student • Feb 27, 2017 at 3:36 pm
yes jediael! the movie was amazing! so glad to see black strong women on center screen