A Slam Performed at MLK Assembly 2017
Disclaimer: This piece was performed for the MLK Assembly in January 2017. The student who wrote and performed the piece requested that the original language be preserved. In honor of their artistic vision and in recognition of the importance of not censoring student voices, we have preserved all of the language, including the usage of racially sensitive words. We ask you to be respectful of language and of the artists’ vision.
My culture is like a long, long road
and when I say it took blood sweat and tears to get here, I’m not joking around.
See, this road is paved with the footsteps of those that fought for equality, and for justice.
Fought for the black women that lost her spelling bee, her college acceptance, her job, her husband …to a white girl.
For the black man that has to cut his dreads because it is no longer viewed as “professional,” or can no longer step out the house with a hoodie on in complete peace.
And see these people they set up roadblocks, with signs that read: My black culture. For me to enjoy.
But it seems as though that’s just not how it is, huh.
Cuz when Kylie Jenner had dreads, she was bringing sexy back, but Zendaya has ‘em on the red carpet, and now she look smacked. Now they pressed to drop that ass and pick it up quick, cuz they think that’s gonna get them some black dick.
Oh I’m sorry, my dearest apologies. Am I being too ghetto, too black, too ratchet for you?
Lemme, lemme speak white. Let me perfect my posture, lower my voice, speak with grace and use my vocabulary because last I heard, now speaking right equates to speaking white. But don’t mind me. I see you listening to trap, saying the word nigga and calling yourself black. I see you finding black friends that make you “woke.” I see you milly rock and hit dem folks. But all that…that’s gotta stop. So Imma tell you what you’re not gonna do. You’re not gonna stock up on cocoa butter…get some cornrows… buy Kanye’s album… get you a fake booty, and a nice tan, lace up your Jordan’s and step on my culture.
Cuz y’all have taken a lot from us, but that…that’s ours.

Hi, my name is Begai Prom. I am a senior at SSFS and have been a member of the Wildezine for 3 years. This year, I am the editor-in-chief of The Wildezine....
begai • Sep 24, 2018 at 11:29 am
Dear “ssfs student who wishes to not be named”
Next time you choose to leave an ignorant comment such as the one above, please do so with confidence (include your name) so that we can actually foster a dialogue. I’d love to address your grave misconceptions about my poem.
Firstly, I appreciate your attempted thoughtfulness in crafting this comment but I believe you missed the mark.
When i said “lemme speak white” it was in referral to what is now commonly accepted as properly speaking. I do not believe that all the ” white stereotypes “as you’ve mentioned are even white stereotypes. Those are simply correct forms of speech that are now mistaken for “speaking white”. I’d suggest you take a trip to the english department and develop your close reading skills.
Secondly, Saying “oh im sorry, it shouldnt be said by white people” is annoyingly sarcastic and i frankly have no tolerance towards that. IF YOU ARE WHITE DO NOT SAY IT. IF YOU ARE BLACK YOU CAN. i thought it was very simple. If black people choose to use the word nigga, that doesnt mean the word is meaningless to them. By far, that was the most ignorant sentence of your whole comment, and trust me, your comment was very very ignorant. We chose to reclaim the word! that is our choice so do not ever tell US that it is meaningless. Need I mention that it is quite the generalization to say it is meaningless to “any” black person. I understand that you feel that no one should say the word. I have relatives that would agree. But i believe that there are better ways to provide your opinion without coming off as ignorant as you just have.
If you feel that this is me “hating on you or accusing you” then congratulations because that would be the only correct conclusion you’ve made. I am most definitely hating on you but not for your opinion, that i am simply addressing and countering with sharing mine. I am hating on you for the way you have presented your opinion.
Lastly, I’d like to thank you for leaving a positive comment. I’ve enjoyed learning about your perspective. But next time, come correct with me and i will come correct with you.
begai prom • Sep 23, 2018 at 11:28 pm
Dear “ssfs student who wishes to not be named”
Next time you choose to leave an ignorant comment such as the one above, please do so with confidence so that we can actually foster a dialogue. I’d love to address your grave misconceptions about my poem.
Firstly, I appreciate your thoughtfulness in crafting this comment but I believe you missed the mark.
When i said “lemme speak white” it was in referral to what is now commonly accepted as properly speaking. I do not believe that all the ” white stereotypes “as you’ve mentioned are even white stereotypes. Those are simply correct forms of speech that are now mistaken for “speaking white”. I’d suggest you take a trip to the English department and develop your close reading skills.
Secondly, Saying “oh I’m sorry, it shouldn’t be said by white people” is annoyingly sarcastic and I frankly have no tolerance towards that. IF YOU ARE WHITE DO NOT SAY IT. IF YOU ARE BLACK YOU CAN. I thought it was very simple. If black people choose to use the word nigga, that doesn’t mean the word is meaningless to them. By far, that was the most ignorant sentence of your whole comment, and trust me, your comment was very very ignorant. We chose to reclaim the word! that is our choice so do not ever tell US that it is meaningless. Need I mention that it is quite the generalization to say it is meaningless to “any” black person. I understand that you feel that no one should say the word. I have relatives that would agree. But I believe that there are better ways to provide your opinion without coming off as ignorant as you just have.
Lastly, I’d like to thank you for leaving a positive note as well. I’ve enjoyed learning about your perspective. But next time, come correct with me and I will come correct with you.
begai prom • Sep 23, 2018 at 11:24 pm
Dear “ssfs student who wishes to not be named”
Next time you choose to leave an ignorant comment such as the one above, please do so with confidence so that we can actually foster a dialogue. I’d love to address your grave misconceptions about my poem.
Firstly, I appreciate your thoughtfulness in crafting this comment but I believe you missed the mark.
When i said “lemme speak white” it was in referral to what is now commonly accepted as properly speaking. I do not believe that all the ” white stereotypes “as you’ve mentioned are even white stereotypes. Those are simply correct forms of speech that are now mistaken for “speaking white”. I’d suggest you take a trip to the english department and develop your close reading skills.
Secondly, Saying “oh im sorry, it shouldnt be said by white people” is annoyingly sarcastic and i frankly have no tolerance towards that. IF YOU ARE WHITE DO NOT SAY IT. IF YOU ARE BLACK YOU CAN. i thought it was very simple. If black people choose to use the word nigga, that doesnt mean the word is meaningless to them. By far, that was the most ignorant sentence of your whole comment, and trust me, your comment was very very ignorant. We chose to reclaim the word! that is our choice so do not ever tell US that it is meaningless. Need I mention that it is quite the generalization to say it is meaningless to “any” black person. I understand that you feel that no one should say the word. I have relatives that would agree. But i believe that there are better ways to provide your opinion without coming off as ignorant as you just have.
Lastly, I’d like to thank you for leaving a positive comment. I’ve enjoyed learning about your perspective. But next time, come correct with me and i will come correct with you.
Preston Lee • Mar 6, 2017 at 1:10 pm
I remember this part of the assembly best because i feel like it really got the point across and that fact that this amazing speech was written by one of my peers is amazing.
Kennedy Reid • Mar 5, 2017 at 2:00 pm
This writing is a clear reprensentation of culture being stepped on and over by other cultures. I just want to say I give props to Begai because this was my favorite of all seeing this be preformed. She helped everyone black, white any race recongize and know what is actually going on that alot of people don’t htink to bring to attention and I appreciate that.
An SSFS Student • Feb 28, 2017 at 2:39 pm
The start was clearly about Culture; but as I read on I see a retaliation to racial stereotypes with racial stereotypes. When you said “lemme speak white.” and described stereotypical things about white people, and then to go on and say that we can’t do certain things because it’s of your culture… of course I understand that the N-word should never be said, oh i’m sorry… it shouldn’t be said by white people, but clearly the word is meaningless by any black person, even if they AREN’T african american, just black. Regardless, that word should never be used by anyone, period. It all sounds like a lot like hate on whites.
PS: I would just like to say that I understand your reasoning for a lot of things stated, I agree with a lot of it, and the reason why i’m making this anonymous is because I have known from my own experiences at this school, if you even go up against black culture, you will be hated on and accused. Overall I believe this was a very good poem, and the reason why, is because it moved me to speak, and i’m not the type of person that speaks out.